The head office and the main facilities of Fresh Snack are located at Athanatoi area near Heraklion on the 9th km of National Road Heraklion-Mires. In an ultramodern luxurious utilitarian building of 3,000 square meters, completed in 2011, are the production areas: packaging, Logistics, accounting, conference room, the analysis and quality-control department, and the company's management offices.
The new facilities are well equipped with modern production and packaging areas, and for the lighting, ventilation and air conditioning of the building solar energy and other new energy-saving technologies are being used.
Except the region of Chania and Ierapetra Fresh Snack completed a major step, by creating new warehouses and distribution points in the Attica region, dynamically establishing once again its presence in the Greek market of snacks. You can find us:
Gennimata G. AvenuePlakoto Magoulas
Postal Code: 19018
Tel: +30 210 5553336
Provincial roadChania – Sougia
Postal Code: 73100
Provincial roadIerapetra - Pachias Ammou 130
Postal Code: 72200